Hestevard Magnequin 1Ltr
L-Tryptophan, Magnesium & Vitamin B12 formula, suitable for nervous, hot or highly strung horses.
Magnesium supports the nervous & muscular system
L-Tryptophan - Ensures a balanced Serotonin level
Vitamin B12 - Important for active nerve cells & optimise the ability to concentrate and learn
Signature range
L-Tryptophan, Magnesium & Vitamin B12 formula, suitable for nervous, hot or highly strung horses.
Magnesium supports the nervous & muscular system
L-Tryptophan - Ensures a balanced Serotonin level
Vitamin B12 - Important for active nerve cells & optimise the ability to concentrate and learn
Signature range
L-Tryptophan, Magnesium & Vitamin B12 formula, suitable for nervous, hot or highly strung horses.
Magnesium supports the nervous & muscular system
L-Tryptophan - Ensures a balanced Serotonin level
Vitamin B12 - Important for active nerve cells & optimise the ability to concentrate and learn
Signature range